What is coaching, and is it for me?

You may be wondering what this coaching thing is all about. I know I was when I first came across coaching.

Coaching by definition is a co-created, collaborative relationship between coachee and coach. It is a relationship where illumination, growth, change, support, accountability and creation are intertwined in conversation, to nourish the coachee into having their dreams, goals, and visions come into fruition.

And what does this look like? That is as variant as there are people in this world. Each relationship is built in the needs of the coachee and what the coachee is wanting to create, change, and grow into. Every person or group of people who come into relationship with a coach, will have different areas they bring into conversation. The coaching relationship is a continuous creation and evolvement with every session.

What will being in a coaching relationship bring you? Anything you want. This is all about what you want to bring into the world, what you want to express and how you want to express it. The intention is to have the coaching be a place of illumination of that which is keeping you from what you desire, of nourishment to go after what you dream of, and of support in what you are creating.

I believe every person is whole as they are. And that each person is innately gifted to be naturally creative, resourceful and capable in their life, in their own unique way. It is from here the coaching relationship is held, to shine the spotlight into all the wisdom you already carry. It is a place where space is created for you to see your greatness, discover more of yourself, and to express that out into the world in however you desire.
